Children's Ministry

This ministry assists in the development of our children's love and devotion to Jesus Christ by encouraging, stimulating, and offering opportu­nities for our children to express their spiritual growth in a safe and supportive environment. We are directly involved with children ages birth to fifth grade through our Sunday morning and Wednesday evening Bible classes as well as with activities such as Trunk or Treat, Breakfast with Santa, Easter Egg-stravaganza, Children’s Christmas Program and VBS.

Encourage Our Educators

August 23, 2020

As teachers face new challenges in this school year, let’s shower them with our love and support. We have teachers and staff from preschool through college, homeschool, public, and private school.

Use this link to choose a Westgate educator. Pray for them, send them an encouraging note, give them an elbow bump, or just let them vent if needed. Many thanks to Bethany Powel for the idea and setting up with link. There will be a prayer focus for each month.

For the remainder of August, ask God to surround each educator with peace, remembering God is a refuge and a strong tower, Psalm 61:3. If you need help accessing the link or signing up for an educator, please contact the office, Jackie Lee or Bethany Powell.

Memory Verse and Teacher Responses

June 28, 2020

The children’s bulletin continues to focus on Micah 6:8, a short verse with wisdom for living in God’s favor. “He has told you, O man, what is good and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Cups today contain sheets on prayer to assist with walking in kindness and humility. Please have children decorate the bookmark to place in a Bible at home to mark Micah 6:8. Remember to recite or read the verse nightly before prayers.

An email was sent to many Westgate teachers last week to ask for input on beginning Bible classes. Thanks to each of you for responding with perspective as parent, teacher, and professional working with children. Deacons and elders will make final recommendations soon, please be in prayer for the planning and preparations. And include teacher volunteers in your prayers, appreciation to each of you who have said “YES I will teach”, Westgate children thank you!

Giving Thanks

June 21, 2020

In sacks children received today, there is a sheet to remind families to work on Micah 6:8, “He has told you, O man, what is good and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” There are a variety of materials in this weeks’ bag with a focus on Father’s Day but look for the small note with suggestions to assist in facilitating the activities. For almost three months, we worshiped in our homes through the dedication of our leaders with the help of technology. Many thanks to each of you who contributed to Sunday services with special thanks to Rodney for Wed. PM classes. Last week, children wrote notes of thanks and appreciation! Each note was precious but here is a small sampling. It was great to see the smiles of young ones last Sunday and we are looking forward to safely resuming Bible classes together! Please be praying for God’s guidance and direction in planning. Hugs to all Dads!

Thank you's from the children to our Deacons and Elders and others in the church that helped during the time we had to be apart.

Welcome back!

June 14, 2020

As we transition from online worship to a modified version of services, safely resuming children’s Bible classes is also being discussed. Until a decision is made, please encourage children to work on the activities found in weekly packets.

The card in this week’s packet is to be used to thank the servants who stretched themselves to preach, sing, or make announcements in an empty building. Don’t forget those who coaxed technology so we could praise God together from our homes. Please help children to thank our leaders who continued to love us from a distance by decorating and/or writing a short note of appreciation. Parents can sign or assist in any way. There will be a basket to collect the cards on your way out.

Our memory work for the next weeks is:
“He has told you, O man, what is good and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” - Micah 6:8
The bookmark in the packet is to be decorated and used to memorize this life guiding truth. Think about ways to reinforce the meanings of justice, kindness, and humility this week, a challenge for the entire family.

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