For sermons before September 22, 2024 visit the archived website.
The One with the Torn Robes
Job 2: 11-13 Friends show up in hard times. The one thing Job’s friends did right was to show up and sympathize with their friend. Sometimes “less is more” when it comes to our words for friends in times of grief. Like a good friend, Jesus is present with us in the hard moments.
The One Where the Rooster Crows
Matthew 26: 31-35 Jesus’s friends failed him just like ours do. Jesus knows rejection and hurt from friends, but he also loves and understands people enough to forgive and reconcile. This message will challenge us to remain in friendships and in Christian community, even when it is hard.
The One Where Jonathan Warns David
1 Samuel 20: 12-17 We will unpack the events of 1 Samuel 20, then explore the humble and sacrificial commitment Jonathan shows to David. Jonathan is willing to help David at the expense of his future, and he is willing to be second to him even though his birthright is to be first.
The Year of the Lord’s Favor
Luke 4:17-21
Be a God Pleaser
John 12: 37-43 Our next “Holy resolution” will emphasize working on pleasing God, not people. We will explore what a people pleaser looks like, and how we can’t please everyone, but we can please God. We will also look at not letting the pendulum swing too far, and being an individualistic “me pleaser”. Link to full service
Say what you need to say
Matthew 18: 15-17 The Holy Resolution last week was to listen, now it is to speak. Now, we will look at Jesus’s teaching in Matthew from the traditional perspective in which we are the ones addressing the sin. We will see how speaking up can heal and make healthy relationships. Full service link
Listen to Criticism
Matthew 18: 15-17 Stop being defensive! We will look at Jesus’s teaching on church discipline from the perspective of being the one called out for sin. We need to learn to listen to criticism and ask “what if this is true?” One of the hardest but most effective ways to gain wisdom and grow is to learn from the discipline and criticism of others. Link to full service
The Greatest Sermon in the World
1 Corinthians 2: 1-5 The past few months we have talked a lot about who we are and what membership at Westgate means. This message will explore the purpose/goals of a sermon. Generally speaking these are to help the listener; learn, change, be challenged, hear from God, and hear gospel. Link to full service
Celebrating Well
Luke 2: 8-14 Sometimes Christians are stereotyped as being lame/no fun. We should be joyful people who can celebrate well. We will emphasize God coming to earth and his humanity, but specifically the joyful, fun, and approachable side of Jesus. Link to full service
Waiting Well
Isaiah 40: 27-31 Christians have been described as “people who wait” and we are currently in a season of waiting. We will explore how to wait well, what to do or not do as we wait, and why God makes us wait as all. Link to full service
A Balanced church
1 Corinthians 10: 23-24 We are a church that values balance; numbers, age groups, progressive/traditional, and with our time. We will explore how to maintain “balance” and when adaptability is more important than balance. We will also see how balance means picking battles, cutting certain things, and self sacrifice. Link to full service
An Intergenerational Church
Mark 10: 13-16 Jesus valued groups that others didn’t, including the young/children. Westgate is a church that holds children in a special place and wants to include them. At the same time, we deeply value our elderly and make efforts to ensure they are included as well. The message will share ways we do this, and maybe ways we can be better about it. Link to full service